Financial statement
You need periodic reports and financial statements to understand the results of your company and make the right decisions for the future. We will assist you in interpreting and understanding your periodic reports that monitor key performance indicators in a critical area of your business.
We also compile and prepare annual financial statements with a Notice-to-Reader for privately held corporations and charitable organizations without assuring or giving an opinion of the information it contains.
Accurate and timely financial reports are essential tools that guide your business to right direction. It helps you run your business more efficiently.
We will prepare such financial statements as:
- Cash flow
- Balance sheet
- Income statement
- Statement of equity
We can also prepare customized reports that you may require in your business or industry. For example:
- Commercial landlords have to prepare budget and annual reconciliation for the common area repairs and maintenance (CAM or TMI).
- Contractors may need profitability report by each job or project.
- Retailer may need monthly sales reports for landlord to calculate percentage rent.
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